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13th International Shetland Pony Show ISPC - 2020


Dear President, Committee Members, Members and Shetland enthusiasts,

The French Shetland Pony Society has been working over the past few months to put together the ISPS 2020 (International Shetland Pony Show).

This event is also the perfect moment to get to know all of the organisations who run the Shetland Pony Stud-Books and Societies around the world. We hope that you will be able to promote your Stud-Book and Society during the show.

We would like to create posters, so please could you send us your logos and adverts by email, digital and high quality for printing.

Each class or championship can be sponsored, with prizes and/or trophies. It would be great if each different country’s stud-book could provide a trophy and sponsor a class or championship.

Any associations or persons wishing to make a financial donation towards the cost of the Show may do so (please ask for bank details).

The ISPC Meeting will be held on Friday 24th July 2020 at Saint Lo, all details will be shortly forwarded.

Please can you promote the International Shetland Pony Show 2020 to your members and acquaintances. You can print the flyer from the attached document. All information is available on the show site https://www.internationalshetlandpony2020.com/

Myself, Committee members and volunteers look forward to working with you to make this event memorable.

With kind regards and our best wishes for the new year,


Olivier Blanchet

AFPS President